Upload alrernate attires wwe 2k
Upload alrernate attires wwe 2k

I assume the wrong attire shows up for you. How did you install your. You really only have to use Data Editor's Alternate Attire Unlocker if you wish to make an attire that isn't selectable in the game yet selectable or if you wish to change the attire name or change the attire's Manager status. – The user is now able to rotate a Superstar to apply Hair Dye to the top of a Custom Superstar’s head.Is your problem that you can't select the attire in the game or that the proper attire doesn't show up when selected? – Addressed an issue with the background appearing improperly during entrances for Venue Size 4 Custom Arenas – Natalya will now appear with unique Header and Wall Parts when viewing her Entrance in game – Addressed an issue with a duplicate championship appearing on the title holder during an entrance in a Ladder Title match

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– Addressed an issue with certain title entrance motions not displaying a championship during the entrance – Braun Strowman now wears his mask during an entrance when being used as a manager – Addressed a music-animation syncing issue with Finn Bálor’s entrance – Fixed an issue where certain Universe settings failed to reset when choosing to reset a Superstar to default – Fixed an issue with logos not appearing properly on an imported Custom Superstar in M圜areer – Addressed multiple stability issues in M圜areer mode – Stitching and Body Oil now display properly on Superstars in online matches – Addressed various issues related to online stability – Superstars no longer interrupt team members’ finisher and finisher pin combos during 6-Man Elimination Tag matches – Enziguri strikes now properly connect against a groggy opponent – Fixed an issue with COM Superstars not switching targets at appropriate moments in multi-man matches – Users are now able to trigger a bottom rope elimination when one is already ongoing during a Royal Rumble – Fixed an issue with the second player not being able to control both tag team partners in a two on two tag team match – Addressed an issue with OMG! moves improperly granting momentum to the attacker when reversed – Fixed an issue with Superstars performing diving charged finishers against a ringside opponent – Performing a wake up taunt will cause the opponent to face the taunting Superstar after getting up

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Fixed an issue with Superstars unintentionally picking up an opponent when attempting a ground grapple

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– Fixed a stability issue that occurred when selecting Cesaro with an Alternate Attire and entering a match – Chain wrestling can now be manually initiated in the early stage of a match by holding the right bumper (R1/RB) and pressing the grapple button (X/A) Em baixo fica a lista (ainda que em inglês) dos problemas que este Patch corrige. A WWE 2K anunciou esta Terça-feira o lançamento do Patch 1.05 para o WWE 2K17, mas apenas para as consolas Playstation 4 e Xbox One.Įste Patch vem corrigir inúmeros erros e bugs que o jogo possuía.

Upload alrernate attires wwe 2k